
Why Blogs Get More Hits Than Websites

Google Blog SearchThe major search engines strive to find fresh, informative content to keep their users coming back. Blogs meet this need because they are updated on a regular basis, they are full of content relating to a particular or broad range of topics, and they are very search engine friendly.

Often times, your business blog will be found through the search engines before your actual website. Take any popular keyword and type it into Google. The majority of sites that appear at the top of the lists will be sites containing a wealth of information about that topic, not just sites selling similar products. Search engines are looking for content before anything else. Write good content on your blog, on a regular basis, and not only will search engines reward your work, but other people will link to your site naturally.

Speaking of links, they are another important factor when determining the amount of traffic and ranking a website will achieve. Having good, informative content in your blog will attract other bloggers and websites to link to your site. Search engines use these links as a measure of your website’s importance and will factor them in to the equation when determining where to rank your website in their results pages.

With a little bit of time an effort, it’s possible your blog can become one of the top results in the search engines under a particular topic. This requires consistent updating of your blog, knowledge and understanding of the topic that you’re writing about, and a search engine friendly blog that’s hosted on it’s own domain name. Writing once or twice a week about new topics and linking these posts back to your main website is an excellent way to increase the exposure for both sites and will put you on the road to consistent business.

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