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Video Advertising Is Bringing Content’s Reign As King To An End

Most of us know the term “content is king,” used by marketers and SEO specialists everywhere. The value of content to produce marketing results and to drive the internet as we know it has been undeniable. We create content for customers and internet-browsers alike to digest and indulge in. We have created search engines like Google that are totally based on exploring and discovering content.


In recent times, there has been a new kind of content that has emerged and is quickly becoming the new king of the internet. It is video marketing and it has been an even better way to engage people online and to convert them into paying customers. The rise of video is making its mark and it seems that the future looks very video-friendly, as video popularity is not expected to end anytime soon.


In e-commerce, video is becoming increasingly important, as even Facebook has recently added a new metric that allows advertisers to create better videos in the future by seeing how many people click through to their websites and apps. Facebook took notice of the popularity of videos a long time ago, and has been incorporating them on their platform more and more.


Online video advertising has been a proven great strategy to use. Companies that have taken advantage of video marketing have seen 41% more organic traffic, while landing pages that feature a video have 80% more conversions. Not only that, but videos are great for retaining information. People tend to retain 95% of the information found in a video but only 10% of information found in text. Lastly, people want more videos, as 43% of them are hoping that marketers will use videos more in the future. Considering this information, it looks like video’s reign as king is only beginning.

Changes to Facebook Video Could Bring Changes to Online Video Advertising

online video marketing

As more and more people are beginning to look for videos on websites and expect businesses to share videos frequently, it is becoming much more important for online businesses and other types of businesses alike to carefully find some different ways to work with online video advertising. This type of advertising tends to be a lot more effective since customers online are increasingly focused on videos. Attracting attention on your own home page and on social media accounts, is starting to come down to having entertaining videos your customers can enjoy.


Video tends to be a better way to get a point across to your customers in any case since a lot more information can be packed into one minute of video than into content for the website or on your Facebook page. Many users scroll down and skip over large blocks of text in favor of something easier to digest. Video marketing is perfect for filling this need and getting the information that you want to your customers as effectively as possible.


Social media has begun to make video a much larger part of the overall user experience. Facebook has recently continued to make changes to the video on their platform to make it easier for users to find videos and to enjoy them. Most recently, they announced a change that will make it so that the videos that will appear on their platform will not only play automatically, but will play automatically with volume. This is similar to the way that Snapchat currently has videos appearing within their app.


Videos that play automatically and with volume have the possibility of attracting much more attention right away. This is something that many website builders have started using with the videos they place on their websites as well. One thing to watch out for with this is that some users may see this as an aggressive tactic to make them watch a video. It is too early to see whether Facebook’s change will be one that is beneficial or not, so it is important to think carefully when putting a video on your website so that you can decide what makes the most sense for your business and anyone visiting your website.

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